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SigLib Complete Function List

This page contains a complete list of all the functions in the SigLib ANSI C source code DSP library. The library is split into the following sections:

Acoustic Processing Functions
Adaptive Filter Functions
Chirp z-Transform Initialisation Functions
Communication And Modulation Functions
Complex Number Functions
Control System Functions
Convolution, Deconvolution And Correlation Functions
Decimation And Interpolation Functions
Delay Functions
DSP Utility Functions
   DTMF Generation And Detection Functions
Frequency Domain Filtering Functions
Frequency Domain Functions
File I/O Functions
Filtering Functions
Image Processing Functions
Image Coding Functions
Machine Learning Functions
Matrix Functions
Math / Min / Max Functions
    Order Analysis Functions
Power Spectrum Functions
Signal Generation Functions
Speech Processing Functions
Statistical Analysis Functions
Regression Analysis Functions
Trigonometric Functions
Utility Macros And Functions
Windowing Functions

Frequency Domain Functions

  SAI_FftLengthLog2                   - Returns the log2(FFT length) for a given FFT length
  SAI_FftLengthLog4                   - Returns the log4(FFT length) for a given FFT length
  SIF_Fft                             - Initialise FFT functionality
  SDA_Rfft                            - Real to Complex Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
  SDA_Cfft                            - Complex to complex FFT
  SDA_Cifft                           - Complex to complex Inverse FFT
  SDA_BitReverseReorder               - Bit reverse reorder the data
  SDA_IndexBitReverseReorder          - Bit reverse reorder the data index
  SIF_FastBitReverseReorder           - Initialise fast mode bit reverse reordering
  SDA_RealRealCepstrum                - Real to real cepstrum analysis
  SDA_RealComplexCepstrum             - Real to complex cepstrum analysis
  SDA_ComplexComplexCepstrum          - Complex to complex cepstrum analysis
  SIF_FftTone                         - Initialise FFT tone detection functionality
  SDA_RfftTone                        - FFT tone detection functionality
  SDA_Rfftr                           - Real FFT, with real only output
  SIF_Fft4                            - Initialise radix-4 FFT functionality
  SDA_Rfft4                           - Real to Complex radix-4 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
  SDA_Cfft4                           - Complex to complex radix-4 FFT
  SDA_Cifft4                          - Complex to complex Inverse radix-4 FFT
  SDA_Rfftr4                          - Real radix-4 FFT, with real only output
  SDA_Cfft2rBy1c                      - Two real FFTs, with one complex FFT
  SDA_Cfft2rBy1cr                     - Two real FFTs, with one complex FFT, with real only output
  SDA_Cfft24rBy1c                     - Two real radix-4 FFTs, with one complex radix-4 FFT
  SDA_Cfft24rBy1cr                    - Two real radix-4 FFTs, with one complex radix-4 FFT, with real only output
  SDA_DigitReverseReorder4            - Digit reverse reorder the radix-4 data
  SDA_IndexDigitReverseReorder4       - Digit reverse reorder the radix-4 data index
  SIF_FastDigitReverseReorder4        - Initialise fast mode radix-4 digit reverse reordering
  SDA_Cfft2rBy1c                      - Two radix-2 DIF, real to complex FFTs using a single complex radix-2 FFT
  SDA_Cfft2rBy1cr                     - Two radix-2 DIF, real to real FFTs using a single complex radix-2 FFT
  SDA_Cfft42rBy1c                     - Two radix-4 DIF, real to complex FFTs using a single complex radix-4 FFT
  SDA_Cfft42rBy1cr                    - Two radix-4 DIF, real to real FFTs using a single complex radix-4 FFT
  SDS_Cfft2                           - Performs a radix-2 FFT operation on the supplied data
  SDA_Cfft2                           - Performs a radix-2 FFT operation on the supplied data array
  SDS_Cfft3                           - Performs a radix-3 FFT operation on the supplied data
  SDA_Cfft3                           - Performs a radix-3 FFT operation on the supplied data array
  SIF_ZoomFft                         - Initialise zoom FFT functionality
  SDA_ZoomFft                         - Real to Complex zoom-Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
  SIF_ZoomFftSimple                   - Initialise zoom FFT functionality - more efficient but less complex variant
  SDA_ZoomFftSimple                   - Real to Complex zoom-Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) - more efficient but less complex variant
  SIF_FdHilbert                       - Initialize frequency domain Hilbert transform function
  SDA_FdHilbert                       - Frequency domain Hilbert transformer
  SIF_FdAnalytic                      - Initialize frequency domain analytic signal generator
  SDA_FdAnalytic                      - Frequency domain analytic signal generator
  SDA_InstantFreq                     - Instantaneous frequency analyser
  SDA_Rdft                            - Real to Complex Discrete Fourier Transform
  SDA_Ridft                           - Real Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform
  SDA_Cdft                            - Complex Discrete Fourier Transform
  SDA_Cidft                           - Complex Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform
  SDA_FftShift                        - Shift the D.C. bin from 0 to N/2 or V.V. for real data
  SDA_CfftShift                       - Shift the D.C. bin from 0 to N/2 or V.V. for complex data
  SDA_FftExtend                       - Extend the array length of a real (or imaginary) FFT array
  SDA_CfftExtend                      - Extend the array lengths of a real and imaginary FFT arrays
  SDA_FftRealToComplex                - Convert real frequency domain dataset of length ((fftLength/2)+1) to a complex dataset of length fftLength
  SIF_DctII                           - Initialize 1D type II DCT
  SDA_DctII                           - 1D type II DCT
  SIF_DctIIOrthogonal                 - Initialize 1D type II orthogonal DCT
  SDA_DctIIOrthogonal                 - 1D type II orthogonal DCT
  SIF_Stft                               - Initialize Short Time Fourier Transform functions
  SDA_Rstft                              - Compute real Short Time Fourier Transform
  SDA_Ristft                             - Compute real inverse Short Time Fourier Transform
  SAI_RstftNumberOfFrequencyDomainFrames - Compute number of frames in Short Time Fourier Transform output
  SDA_RstftInsertFrequencyFrame          - Insert a linear array into a given Short Time Fourier Transform frame frequency slice
  SDA_RstftExtractFrequencyFrame         - Extract a linear frequency slice from a given Short Time Fourier Transform frame
  SIF_FftArb                          - Initialise the arbitrary FFT operation
  SUF_FftArbAllocLength               - Return length of FFT for arbitrary length transform
  SDA_RfftArb                         - Arbitrary real FFT operation using chirp z-transform
  SDA_CfftArb                         - Arbitrary complex FFT operation using chirp z-transform
  SDA_CifftArb                        - Arbitrary complex inverse FFT operation using chirp z-transform

Power Spectrum Functions

  SIF_FastAutoCrossPowerSpectrum      - Initialise fast auto and cross power spectrum functions
  SDA_FastAutoPowerSpectrum           - Fast auto power spectrum
  SDA_FastCrossPowerSpectrum          - Fast cross power spectrum
  SIF_ArbAutoCrossPowerSpectrum       - Initialise arbitrary length fast auto and cross power spectrum functions
  SDA_ArbAutoPowerSpectrum            - Arbitrary length auto power spectrum
  SDA_ArbCrossPowerSpectrum           - Arbitrary length cross power spectrum
  SIF_WelchPowerSpectrum              - Initilaise the Welch power spectrum functions
  SDA_WelchRealPowerSpectrum          - Initilaise the Welch power spectrum functions
  SDA_WelchComplexPowerSpectrum       - Welch complex power spectrum
  SIF_MagnitudeSquaredCoherence       - Initilaise the magnitude squared coherence functions
  SDA_MagnitudeSquaredCoherence       - Magnitude squared coherence function

Frequency Domain Filtering Functions

  SIF_FirOverlapAdd                   - Initialise overlap and add FFT filtering functionality
  SDA_FirOverlapAdd                   - Overlap and add FFT filter
  SIF_FirOverlapSave                  - Initialise overlap and save FFT filtering functionality
  SDA_FirOverlapSave                  - Overlap and save FFT filter
  SIF_FftConvolvePre                  - Initialize pre-calculation of frequency domain convolution coefficients
  SDA_FftConvolvePre                  - Frequency domain convolution with pre-calculated coefficients
  SDA_FftConvolveArb                  - Frequency domain convolution with arbitrary coefficients
  SIF_FftCorrelatePre                 - Initialize pre-calculation of frequency domain correlation coefficients
  SDA_FftCorrelatePre                 - Frequency domain correlation with pre-calculated coefficients
  SDA_FftCorrelateArb                 - Frequency domain correlation with arbitrary coefficients
  SDA_RfftConvolve                    - This function works in a similar manner to the scipy fftconvolve function

Chirp z-Transform Initialisation Functions

  SIF_Czt                             - Initialisation function for the chirp z-transform
  SIF_Awn                             - Generate complex window coeffs
  SIF_Vl                              - Generate contour definition coeffs
  SIF_Wm                              - Generate weighting coeffs

Windowing Functions

  SIF_Window                          - Initialise windowing functionality
  SIF_TableTopWindow                  - Initialise the table top (flat centre section) windowing functionality
  SDA_Window                          - Apply window to a array of data
  SDA_ComplexWindow                   - Apply a complex window to a complex stream
  SDA_WindowInverseCoherentGain       - Calculate window function inverse coherent gain
  SDA_WindowEquivalentNoiseBandwidth  - Calculate window function equivalent noise bandwidth
  SDA_WindowProcessingGain            - Calculate window function processing gain
  SDS_I0Bessel                        - Calculate the Izero Bessel function

Filtering Functions

FIR Filter Functions
  SIF_Fir                             - Initialise FIR filter functionality
  SDS_Fir                             - Perform FIR filter on a data sample
  SDA_Fir                             - Perform FIR filter on a array of data
  SDS_FirAddSample                    - Add a sample to the filter delay line
  SDA_FirAddSamples                   - Add multiple samples to the filter delay line
  SIF_Comb                            - Initialise comb filter functionality
  SDS_Comb                            - Perform a comb filter on a data sample
  SDA_Comb                            - Perform a comb filter on a data array
  SIF_FirComplex                      - Initialise a complex filter
  SDS_FirComplex                      - Perform a complex filter on a data sample
  SDA_FirComplex                      - Perform a complex filter on a data stream
  SIF_FirWithStore                    - Initialise FIR filter functionality - With store maybe more efficient than standard FIR filter functions
  SDS_FirWithStore                    - Perform FIR filter on a data sample - With store maybe more efficient than standard FIR filter functions
  SDA_FirWithStore                    - Perform FIR filter on a array of data - With store maybe more efficient than standard FIR filter functions
  SIF_FirComplexWithStore             - Initialise complex FIR filter functionality - With store maybe more efficient than standard FIR filter functions
  SDS_FirComplexWithStore             - Perform complex FIR filter on a data sample - With store maybe more efficient than standard FIR filter functions
  SDA_FirComplexWithStore             - Perform complex FIR filter on a array of data - With store maybe more efficient than standard FIR filter functions
  SDS_FirWithStoreAddSample           - Add a sample to the filter with store delay line
  SDA_FirWithStoreAddSamples          - Add multiple samples to the filter with store delay line
  SIF_FirExtendedArray                - Initialise FIR filter functionality - With extended state array maybe more efficient than standard FIR filter functions
  SDS_FirExtendedArray                - Perform FIR filter on a data sample - With extended state array maybe more efficient than standard FIR filter functions
  SDA_FirExtendedArray                - Perform FIR filter on a array of data - With extended state array maybe more efficient than standard FIR filter functions
  SIF_FirComplexExtendedArray         - Initialise a complex filter - With extended state array maybe more efficient than standard FIR filter functions
  SDS_FirComplexExtendedArray         - Perform a complex filter on a data sample - With extended state array maybe more efficient than standard FIR filter functions
  SDA_FirComplexExtendedArray         - Perform a complex filter on a data stream - With extended state array maybe more efficient than standard FIR filter functions
  SDS_FirExtendedArrayAddSample       - Add a sample to the filter with extended state array
  SDA_FirExtendedArrayAddSamples      - Add multiple samples to the filter with extended state array
  SIF_LowPassFirFilter                - Create a low pass filter with the given centre frequency
  SIF_HighPassFirFilter               - Create a high pass filter with the given centre frequency
  SIF_BandPassFirFilter               - Create a band pass filter with the given centre frequency
  SIF_LowPassFirFilterWindow          - Create a low pass filter with the given centre frequency, using windowing
  SIF_HighPassFirFilterWindow         - Create a high pass filter with the given centre frequency, using windowing
  SIF_BandPassFirFilterWindow         - Create a band pass filter with the given centre frequency, using windowing
  SUF_KaiserApproximation             - Approximate the desired number of FIR filter coefficients using the Kaiser approximation
  SUF_HarrisApproximation             - Approximate the desired number of FIR filter coefficients using the harris approximation
  SUF_FirHarrisMultirateApproximation - Approximate the desired number of FIR filter coefficients using the harris approximation for multi-rate filters
  SIF_MatchedFirFilter                - Initialize coefficients for a matched FIR filter from a given data set
  SDA_FirFilterInverseCoherentGain    - Calculate the inverse coherent gain for an FIR filter
  SIF_TappedDelayLine                 - Initialize the tapped delay line / multi-path functions
  SDS_TappedDelayLine                 - Tapped delay line / multi-path function on a per sample basis
  SDA_TappedDelayLine                 - Tapped delay line / multi-path function on a per array basis
  SIF_TappedDelayLineComplex          - Initialize the complex tapped delay line / multi-path functions
  SDS_TappedDelayLineComplex          - Complex tapped delay line / multi-path function on a per sample basis
  SDA_TappedDelayLineComplex          - Complex tapped delay line / multi-path function on a per array basis
  SIF_TappedDelayLineIQ               - Initialize the IQ tapped delay line / multi-path functions
  SDS_TappedDelayLineIQ               - IQ tapped delay line / multi-path function on a per sample basis
  SDA_TappedDelayLineIQ               - IQ tapped delay line / multi-path function on a per array basis
  SIF_FirPolyPhaseGenerate            - Initialize a polyphase FIR filter
  SIF_FirZeroNotchFilter              - Apply a notch filter using pole placement on the unit circle
  SDA_FirLpBpShift                    - Shift centre frequency from low-pass to band-pass
  SDA_FirLpHpShift                    - Shift centre frequency from low-pass to high-pass
  SDA_FirLpHpShiftReflectAroundMinus6dBPoint - Reflect the frequency response of a low-pass filter around the -6 dB point
IIR Filter Functions SIF_Iir - Initialise IIR filter functionality - uses the biquad filter structure - subtraction of feedback coefficients SDS_Iir - Perform IIR filter on a data sample - uses the biquad filter structure - subtraction of feedback coefficients SDA_Iir - Perform IIR filter on a array of data - uses the biquad filter structure - addition of negated feedback coefficients SDS_IirMac - Perform IIR filter on a data sample - uses the biquad filter structure - addition of negated feedback coefficients SDA_IirMac - Perform IIR filter on a array of data - uses the biquad filter structure SIF_IirOrderN - Initialise the order N IIR filter functionality - uses a single order N structure SDS_IirOrderN - Perform an order N IIR filter on a data sample - uses a single order N structure SDA_IirOrderN - Perform an order N IIR filter on a array of data - uses a single order N structure SDS_IirOrderNMac - Perform an order N IIR filter on a data sample - uses a single order N structure - addition of negated feedback coefficients SDA_IirOrderNMac - Perform an order N IIR filter on a array of data - uses a single order N structure - addition of negated feedback coefficients SDA_IirOrderNDirectFormIITransposed - Nth order direct form II transposed IIR filter SDA_IirZeroPhase - Perform bi-directional (non-causal/zero-phase) IIR filter on a array of data SIF_IirZeroPhaseOrderN - Initialise bi-directional (non-causal/zero-phase) Nth order IIR filter functionality SDA_IirZeroPhaseOrderN - Perform bi-directional (non-causal/zero-phase) Nth order IIR filter on a array of data SDA_BilinearTransform - Transform poles and zeros from s-plane to z-plane using the bilinear transform SDA_PreWarp - Pre-warps frequencies for bilinear transform SDA_MatchedZTransform - Transform poles and zeros from s-plane to z-plane using the matched z-transform SDA_IirZplaneToCoeffs - Translate rectangular z-plane poles and zeros to IIR coefficients SDA_IirZplanePolarToCoeffs - Translate polar z-plane poles and zeros to IIR coefficients SDA_IirZplaneLpfToLpf - Frequency translate a low-pass IIR filter SDA_IirZplaneLpfToHpf - Translate a low-pass IIR filter to high pass SDA_IirZplaneLpfToBpf - Translate a low-pass IIR filter to band pass SDA_IirZplaneLpfToBsf - Translate a low-pass IIR filter to band stop SDA_ModifyIirFilterGain - Modify the pass band gain of the IIR filter SIF_LowPassIirFilter - Initialize the coefficients of a low-pass IIR filer biquad SIF_HighPassIirFilter - Initialize the coefficients of a high-pass IIR filer biquad SIF_AllPassIirFilter - Initialize the coefficients of an all-pass IIR filer biquad SIF_BandPassIirFilter - Initialize the coefficients of a band-pass IIR filer biquad SIF_NotchIirFilter - Initialize the coefficients of a notch IIR filer biquad SIF_PeakingIirFilter - Initialize the coefficients of a peaking IIR filer biquad SIF_LowShelfIirFilter - Initialize the coefficients of a low-shelf IIR filer biquad SIF_HighShelfIirFilter - Initialize the coefficients of a high-shelf IIR filer biquad SDS_IirRemoveDC - Remove the DC component of a signal using an IIR filter SDA_IirRemoveDC - Remove the DC component of a signal using an IIR filter SIF_OnePole - Initialize the one-pole low-pass filter functions SDS_OnePole - Apply a one-pole low-pass filter on a data sample SDA_OnePole - Apply a one-pole low-pass filter on an array of data SDS_OnePoleNormalized - Apply a one-pole low-pass filter on a data sample. The step response gain is normalized to 1.0 SDA_OnePoleNormalized - Apply a one-pole low-pass filter on an array of data. The step response gain is normalized to 1.0 SDS_OnePoleEWMA - Apply an exponentially weighted moving average one-pole low-pass filter on a data sample. The step response gain is normalized to 1.0 SDA_OnePoleEWMA - Apply an exponentially weighted moving average one-pole low-pass filter on an array of data. The step response gain is normalized to 1.0 SDA_OnePolePerSample - Apply a one-pole low-pass filter, between arrays of data SIF_OnePoleHighPass - Initialize one-pole high-pass filter functions SDS_OnePoleHighPass - Apply a one-pole high-pass filter on a data sample SDA_OnePoleHighPass - Apply a one-pole high-pass filter on an array of data SDS_OnePoleHighPassNormalized - Apply a one-pole high-pass filter on a data sample. The step response gain is normalized to 1.0 SDA_OnePoleHighPassNormalized - Apply a one-pole high-pass filter on an array of data. The step response gain is normalized to 1.0 SDA_OnePoleHighPassPerSample - Apply a one-pole high-pass filter, between arrays of data SDS_OnePoleHighPassCutOffFrequencyToFilterCoeff - Convert high-pass cut-off frequency to one-pole coefficient SDS_TimeConstantToOnePoleFilterCoeff - Convert a time constant to a one-pole IIR filter coefficient SDS_CutOffFrequencyToOnePoleFilterCoeff - Convert a cut-off frequency to a one-pole IIR filter coefficient SIF_AllPole - Initialise the all pole IIR filter functionality SDS_AllPole - Apply an all pole filter on a data sample SDA_AllPole - Apply an all pole filter on an array of data SDA_ZDomainCoefficientReorg - Reorganises z-domain coefficients from Digital Filter Plus SIF_IirNotchFilter - Generate the coefficients for an IIR notch filter SIF_IirNormalizedCoefficients - Generate normalized Butterworth and Bessel low-pass filter coefficients SIF_IirNormalizedSPlaneCoefficients - Generate normalized s-Plane Butterworth and Bessel low-pass filter coefficients SDA_TranslateSPlaneCutOffFrequency - Translate the cut-off frequency of a low-pass filter SDA_IirLpLpShift - Shift the cut-off frequency of an IIR digital filter SDA_IirLpHpShift - Transform a LPF IIR filter into a HPF and shift the cut-off frequency SIF_Iir2PoleLpf - Two pole IIR low-pass filter design SDS_Iir2Pole - Apply two pole IIR filter on a data sample SDA_Iir2Pole - Apply two pole IIR filter on an array of data SDA_IirNegateAlphaCoeffs - Negate IIR filter feedback coefficients to use the MAC variants - these may be more efficient on certain processors SIF_GraphicEqualizerFilterBank - Generate an N channel graphic equalizer filter bank SDA_SplitIIRFilterCoefficients - Splits the cascaded coefficients, as used by SigLib filtering functions into separate arrays for b and a SDA_MergeIIRFilterCoefficients - Merges the split coefficients for b and a into a single merged array, as used by SigLib filtering functions SDA_SplitIIROrderNFilterCoefficients - Splits the cascaded coefficients, as used by SigLib filtering functions into separate arrays for b and a SDA_MergeIIROrderNFilterCoefficients - Merges the split coefficients for b and a into a single merged array, as used by SigLib filtering functions SDA_IirOrderNInitializeCoefficients - Compute the initial conditions for a steady-state step response input to the function SDA_IirOrderNDirectFormIITransposed()
Generic Filtering Functions SDA_Integrate - Integrate the waveform SDA_Differentiate - Differentiate the waveform SIF_LeakyIntegrator - Initialise the leaky integrator SDS_LeakyIntegrator1 - Leaky integrator - Limit and add input SDS_LeakyIntegrator2 - Leaky integrator - Add input and limit SIF_HilbertTransformerFirFilter - Initialise Hilbert transformer filter coefficients SIF_GoertzelIirFilter - Initialise Goertzel filter coefficients SDA_GoertzelIirFilter - Apply Goertzel filter SDS_GoertzelIirFilter - Apply Goertzel filter (per sample) SIF_GoertzelDetect - Initialise Goertzel filter in signal detect mode SDA_GoertzelDetect - Apply Goertzel filter in signal detect mode SIF_GoertzelFilterComplex - Initialise Goertzel filter coefficients SDA_GoertzelDetectComplex - Apply Goertzel filter in signal detect mode SIF_GaussianFilter - Initialise Gaussian filter coefficients SIF_GaussianFilter2 - Initialise Gaussian filter coefficients - second type SIF_RaisedCosineFirFilter - Initialise a raised cosine filter coefficients SIF_RootRaisedCosineFirFilter - Initialise a root raised cosine filter coefficients SDS_ZTransform - Calculate the z-Transform of the source array SDS_ZTransformDB - Calculate the z-Transform of the source array in dB SUF_EstimateBPFirFilterLength - Estimate the length of a band-pass FIR filer SUF_EstimateBPFirFilterError - Estimate the error of a given band-pass FIR filter SUF_FrequenciesToOctaves - Convert frequencies to octaves for given sample rate SUF_FrequenciesToCentreFreqHz - Convert frequencies to centre frequencies for given sample rate SUF_FrequenciesToQFactor - Convert frequencies to Q Factor SUF_BandwidthToQFactor - Convert bandwidth to Q factor SUF_QFactorToBandwidth - Convert Q factor to bandwidth SDS_KalmanFilter1D - Apply a 1 dimensional Kalman filter to the data sample SDS_KalmanFilter2D - Apply a 2 dimensional Kalman filter to the data samples SIF_FarrowFilter - Initialize the Farrow filter structure SDS_FarrowFilter - Filter the data sample using the Farrow filter structure SDA_FarrowFilter - Filter the data array using the Farrow filter structure

Acoustic Processing Functions

  SDA_LinearMicrophoneArrayBeamPattern        - Beam pattern for a linear microphone array
  SDA_LinearMicrophoneArrayBeamPatternLinear  - Beam pattern for a linear microphone array
  SDA_MicrophoneArrayBeamPattern      - Beam pattern for a 2D microphone array
  SDA_MicrophoneArrayBeamPatternLinear- Beam pattern for a 2D microphone array
  SDA_MicrophoneArrayCalculateDelays  - Calculate delays for direction for a microphone array
  SDA_LinearMicrophoneArrayBeamPattern- Calculate the beam pattern for a linear microphone array
  SDA_LinearMicrophoneArrayBeamPattern- Calculate the beam pattern for a linear microphone array
  SDA_MicrophoneArrayBeamPattern      - Calculate the beam pattern for an arbitrary microphone array
  SDS_TemperatureToSpeedOfSoundInAir  - Adjust speed of sound in air for temperature variation

Adaptive Filtering Functions

  SIF_Lms                             - Initialise adaptive filter functionality
  SDS_Lms                             - Perform filter on a data sample
  SDA_LmsUpdate                       - Update LMS filter taps
  SDA_LeakyLmsUpdate                  - Update leaky LMS filter taps
  SDA_NormalizedLmsUpdate             - Update normalized LMS filter taps
  SDA_SignErrorLmsUpdate              - Update signed error LMS filter taps
  SDA_SignDataLmsUpdate               - Update signed data LMS filter taps
  SDA_SignSignLmsUpdate               - Update signed sign LMS filter taps

Convolution, Deconvolution And Correlation Functions

  SDA_ConvolveLinear                  - Linearly convolve input with impulse response
  SDA_ConvolvePartial                 - Partially convolve input with impulse response
  SDA_ConvolveInitial                 - Convolve input with impulse response, without extension
  SDA_ConvolveIterate                 - Convolve input with impulse response, by iteration
  SDA_ConvolveCircular                - Cyclic convolve input with impulse response
  SDA_ConvolveLinearComplex           - Linearly convolve complex input with complex impulse response
  SDA_ConvolvePartialComplex          - Partially convolve complex input with complex impulse response
  SDA_ConvolveInitialComplex          - Cyclic convolve complex input with complex impulse response, without extension
  SDA_ConvolveCircularComplex         - Cyclic convolve complex input with complex impulse response
  SDA_FftDeconvolution                - Deconvolve a signal and an impulse response
  SIF_FftDeconvolutionPre             - Initialise the FFT deconvolution function, with pre-calculated FFT of impulse response
  SDA_FftDeconvolutionPre             - Deconvolve a signal and an impulse response, with pre-calculated FFT of impulse response
  SDA_Convolve2d                      - Perform convolution on 2 dimensional array
  SDA_CorrelateLinear                 - Linear cross correlate two data arrays
  SDA_CorrelatePartial                - Partial linear cross correlate two data arrays
  SDA_CorrelateCircular               - Cyclic cross correlate two data arrays
  SDA_Covariance                      - Calculate the covariance of two data arrays
  SDA_CovariancePartial               - Calculate part of the covariance of two data arrays
  SDA_CorrelateLinearReturnPeak       - Linear cross correlate two data arrays and return the peak

Delay Functions

  SIF_FixedDelay                      - Initialise the fixed delay functions
  SDS_FixedDelay                      - Delay the data by a fixed number of samples
  SDA_FixedDelay                      - Delay the data in an array by a fixed number of samples
  SIF_FixedDelayComplex               - Initialise the fixed complex delay functions
  SDS_FixedDelayComplex               - Delay the complex data by a fixed number of samples
  SDA_FixedDelayComplex               - Delay the complex data in an array by a fixed number of samples
  SDA_ShortFixedDelay                 - Delay the data in an array by a fixed small number of samples
  SIF_VariableDelay                   - Initialise the variable delay functions
  SDS_VariableDelay                   - Delay the data by a variable number of samples
  SDA_VariableDelay                   - Delay the data in an array by a variable number of samples
  SIF_VariableDelayComplex            - Initialise the variable complex delay functions
  SDS_VariableDelayComplex            - Delay the complex data by a variable number of samples
  SDA_VariableDelayComplex            - Delay the complex data in an array by a variable number of samples
  SUF_IncreaseVariableDelay           - Increase the variable delay by a number of samples
  SUF_DecreaseVariableDelay           - Decrease the variable delay by a number of samples
  SDA_Align                           - Align two arrays of data

Image Processing Functions

  SIM_Fft2d                           - Perform 2d FFT on image
  SIF_Fft2d                           - Initialise 2d FFT
  SIM_Convolve3x3                     - Convolve an image with a 3x3 kernel
  SIM_Convolve2d                      - Convolve an image with an arbitrary sized kernel
  SIM_Sobel3x3                        - Apply a 3x3 Sobel edge detection filter
  SIM_SobelVertical3x3                - Apply a vertical 3x3 Sobel filter
  SIM_SobelHorizontal3x3              - Apply a horizontal 3x3 Sobel filter
  SIM_Median3x3                       - Apply a 3x3 median filter
  SIF_ConvCoefficients3x3             - Initialize a 3x3 convolution filter
  SIM_Max                             - Return the maximum value in the image
  SIM_Min                             - Return the minimum value in the image
  SDA_Histogram                       - Produce histogram of data
  SDA_HistogramEqualize               - Equalize the histogram of the data

Image Coding Functions

  SIF_Dct8x8                          - Initialise the DCT functionality
  SIM_Dct8x8                          - Apply an 8x8 DCT to an image block
  SIM_Idct8x8                         - Apply an inverse 8x8 DCT to an image block
  SIM_ZigZagScan                      - Zig-zag scan an image block
  SIM_ZigZagDescan                    - Zig-zag scan an image array

Signal Generation Functions

  SDA_SignalGenerate                  - Generate an array full of a signal (sin, cos, square, ramp etc.)
  SDS_SignalGenerate                  - Generate a sample of a signal (sin, cos, square, ramp etc.)
  SDA_SigGenRamp                      - Generate a ramp signal
  SIF_Resonator                       - Initialise the resonator
  SDA_Resonator                       - A digital resonator
  SIF_Resonator                       - Initialise the resonator1
  SDA_Resonator1                      - Second digital resonator
  SDA_Resonator1Add                   - Add a sample into digital resonator1
  SDA_SignalGeneratePolarWhiteNoise   - Add a polar white noise signal to the input array
  SDS_SignalGeneratePolarWhiteNoise   - Add a polar white noise signal to the input sample
  SDA_SignalGeneratePolarGaussianNoise - Add a polar Gaussian white noise signal to the input array
  SDS_SignalGeneratePolarGaussianNoise - Add a polar Gaussian white noise signal to the input sample
  SDA_SignalAddPolarJitterAndGaussianNoise - Add jitter and a Gaussian polar white noise signal to the input array
  SDS_SignalAddPolarJitterAndGaussianNoise - Add jitter and a Gaussian polar white noise signal to the input sample
  SDA_Ramp                              - Generate a ramp in the array
  SIF_RandomNumber                      - Initialize random number seed
  SDS_RandomNumber                      - Generate a random number
  SDA_RandomNumber                      - Fill the array with random numbers

Modulation And Communication Functions

  SDA_BitErrorRate                    - Calculate bit error rate for a signal
  SDA_Interleave                      - Interleave the samples in a data stream
  SDA_Deinterleave                    - De-interleave the samples in a data stream
  SCV_EuclideanDistance               - Return the Euclidean distance between two vectors
  SCV_EuclideanDistanceSquared        - Return the square of the Euclidean distance between two vectors
  SDS_EuclideanDistance               - Return the Euclidean distance between two samples
  SDS_EuclideanDistanceSquared        - Return the square of the Euclidean distance between two samples
  SDA_EuclideanDistance               - Return the Euclidean distance between two arrays of samples
  SDA_EuclideanDistanceSquared        - Return the square of the Euclidean distance between two arrays of samples
  SCA_EuclideanDistance               - Return the Euclidean distance between two arrays of vectors
  SCA_EuclideanDistanceSquared        - Return the square of the Euclidean distance between two arrays of vectors
  SDS_ManchesterEncode                - Apply Manchester encoding to the source data bit
  SDS_ManchesterDecode                - Apply Manchester decoding to the source data bit
  SDS_ManchesterEncodeByte            - Apply Manchester encoding to the source data byte
  SDS_ManchesterDecodeByte            - Apply Manchester decoding to the source data byte
SIF_DetectNumericalWordSequence - Initialize function to detect a sequence of numerical words SDS_DetectNumericalWordSequence - Detect a sequence of numerical words SIF_DetectNumericalBitSequence - Initialize function to detect a sequence of numerical bits SDS_DetectNumericalBitSequence - Detect a sequence of numerical bits SIF_DetectCharacterSequence - Initialize function to detect a sequence of characters SDS_DetectCharacterSequence - Detect a sequence of characters SDS_ErrorVector - Calculate error vector on the input samples SDS_ErrorVectorMagnitudePercent - Calculate error vector magnitude in percentage on the input samples SDS_ErrorVectorMagnitudeDecibels - Calculate error vector magnitude in dB on the input samples SDS_ReverseDiBits - Reverse the di-bit pair to swap from "computer" order to "ITU-T" order SDS_QpskBitErrorCount - Count the bit errors in the QPSK data stream SDS_BitErrorRate - Calculate the bit error rate in the QPSK data stream
SIF_PhaseLockedLoop - Initialise phase locked loop SDS_PhaseLockedLoop - Phase locked loop on per sample basis SDA_PhaseLockedLoop - Phase locked loop on array basis SIF_CostasLoop - Initialise Costas loop SDS_CostasLoop - Costas loop on per sample basis SDA_CostasLoop - Costas loop on array basis SRF_CostasLoop - Reset the Costas loop functions SIF_180DegreePhaseDetect - Initialise the 180 degree phase shift detector SDA_180DegreePhaseDetect - Detect 180 degree phase shifts in the input signal
SIF_TriggerReverberator - Initialise the trigger reverberator - ensures trigger continues if signal diminishes SDA_TriggerReverberator - Apply the trigger reverberator on per sample basis SDS_TriggerReverberator - Apply the trigger reverberator on array basis SDA_TriggerSelector - Trigger selector function
SIF_EarlyLateGate - Initialise the early-late-gate timing error detector SDA_EarlyLateGate - Apply the early-late-gate timing error detector on per sample basis SDS_EarlyLateGate - Apply the early-late-gate timing error detector on array basis SIF_EarlyLateGateSquarePulse - Initialise the early-late-gate timing error detector on a square pulse input SDA_EarlyLateGateSquarePulse - Apply the early-late-gate timing error detector on per sample basis SDS_EarlyLateGateSquarePulse - Apply the early-late-gate timing error detector on array basis
SDS_ConvEncoderK3 - K = 3, rate 1/2 convolutional encoder (trellis coded modulator) SIF_ViterbiDecoderK3 - Initialise K = 3, rate 1/2 Viterbi decoder SDS_ViterbiDecoderK3 - K = 3, rate 1/2 Viterbi decoder SDS_ConvEncoderV32 - V.32 (32QAM) convolutional encoder (trellis coded modulator) SIF_ViterbiDecoderV32 - Initialise V.32 (32QAM) Viterbi decoder SDS_ViterbiDecoderV32 - V.32 (32QAM) Viterbi decoder
SIF_AmplitudeModulate - Initialize amplitude modulation function SDA_AmplitudeModulate - Amplitude modulate a signal on a per array basis SDS_AmplitudeModulate - Amplitude modulate a signal on a per sample basis SIF_AmplitudeModulate2 - Initialize amplitude modulation function - version 2 SDA_AmplitudeModulate2 - Amplitude modulate a signal on a per array basis - version 2 SDS_AmplitudeModulate2 - Amplitude modulate a signal on a per sample basis - version 2 SIF_ComplexShift - Initialise complex frequency shifting SDA_ComplexShift - Complex frequency shift a signal. Can also operate as a lock-in amplifier SIF_FrequencyModulate - Initialize frequency modulation functions SDS_FrequencyModulate - Frequency modulate a signal - per sample basis SDA_FrequencyModulate - Frequency modulate a signal - array basis - Can also be used for Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO or NCO) SDA_FrequencyDemodulate - Demodulate an FM signal SIF_FrequencyModulateComplex - Initialize complex frequency modulation functions SDS_FrequencyModulateComplex - Frequency modulate a complex signal - per sample basis SDA_FrequencyModulateComplex - Frequency modulate a complex signal - array basis SDA_DeltaModulate - Delta modulate a signal SDA_DeltaDemodulate - Demodulate an delta modulated signal SDA_DeltaModulate2 - Another function to delta modulate a signal
SIF_CostasQamDemodulate - Initilize the Costas loop based QAM / QPSK demodulator functions. Includes early-late-gate timing error detector SDS_CostasQamDemodulate - Implement the Costas loop based QAM / QPSK demodulator functions on a per sample basis SDS_CostasQamDemodulateDebug - Implement the Costas loop based QAM / QPSK demodulator functions on a per sample basis with debug information SDA_CostasQamDemodulate - Implement the Costas loop based QAM / QPSK demodulator functions on an array basis SDA_CostasQamDemodulateDebug - Implement the Costas loop based QAM / QPSK demodulator functions on an array basis with debug information SIF_QpskModulate - Initialise the QPSK modulation function SDA_QpskModulate - QPSK modulate a signal SIF_QpskDemodulate - Initialise the QPSK demodulation function SDA_QpskDemodulate - Demodulate a QPSK signal SDA_QpskDemodulateDebug - Demodulate a QPSK signal, with debug output SDA_QpskDifferentialEncode - QPSK differential encoding SDA_QpskDifferentialDecode - QPSK differential decoding SIF_OpskModulate - Initialise the 8-PSK (Octal PSK) modulation function SDA_OpskModulate - 8-PSK (Octal PSK) modulate a signal SIF_OpskDemodulate - Initialise the 8-PSK (Octal PSK) demodulation function SDA_OpskDemodulate - Demodulate a 8-PSK (Octal PSK) signal SDA_OpskDemodulateDebug - Demodulate a 8-PSK (Octal PSK) signal, with debug output SIF_FskModulate - Initialise the FSK modulation function SDA_FskModulateByte - FSK modulate a signal - 8 bit byte input SDA_FskDemodulateByte - Demodulate a FSK (and CP-FSK) signal - 8 bit byte output SDA_CpfskModulateByte - Continuous phase FSK modulate a signal - 8 bit byte input SDA_FskModulate - FSK modulate a signal - 1 bit input SDA_FskDemodulate - Demodulate an FSK (and CP-FSK) signal - 1 bit output SDA_CpfskModulate - Continuous phase FSK modulate a signal - 1 bit input SIF_Qam16Modulate - Initialise the QAM-16 modulation function SDA_Qam16Modulate - QAM-16 modulate a signal SIF_Qam16Demodulate - Initialise the QAM-16 demodulation function SDA_Qam16Demodulate - QAM-16 demodulate a signal SDA_Qam16DemodulateDebug - QAM-16 demodulate a signal (with debug information) SDA_Qam16DifferentialEncode - QAM-16 differential encoding SDA_Qam16DifferentialDecode - QAM-16 differential decoding SIF_BpskModulate - Initialise the BPSK modulation function SDA_BpskModulate - BPSK modulate a signal SDA_BpskModulateByte - BPSK modulate a signal - 8 bit byte input SIF_BpskDemodulate - Initialise the BPSK demodulation function SDA_BpskDemodulate - Demodulate a BPSK signal SDA_BpskDemodulateDebug - Demodulate a BPSK signal, with debug output SIF_DpskModulate - Initialise the DPSK modulation function SDA_DpskModulate - DPSK modulate a signal SDA_DpskModulateByte - DPSK modulate a signal - 8 bit byte input SIF_DpskDemodulate - Initialise the DPSK demodulation function SDA_DpskDemodulate - Demodulate a DPSK signal SDA_DpskDemodulateDebug - Demodulate a DPSK signal, with debug output SIF_PiByFourDQpskModulate - Initilize the PI/4 D-QPSK modulation function SDA_PiByFourDQpskModulate - PI/4 D-QPSK modulate a signal SDS_ChannelizationCode - 3GPP2 compliant channelization code generation SDA_ComplexQPSKSpread - 3GPP2 compliant complex weighting, spreading and scrambling SDA_ComplexQPSKDeSpread - 3GPP2 compliant complex de-weighting, de-spreading and de-scrambling
SUF_AsyncCharacterLength - Return the asynchronous character length for a given word length and number of start, stop and partiy bits SDA_SyncToAsyncConverter - Convert a data sequence from synchronous to asynchronous SDA_AsyncToSyncConverter - Convert a data sequence from asynchronous to synchronous SIF_AsyncAddRemoveStopBits - Initilize the function to remove stop bits from an asynchronous sequence SDA_AsyncRemoveStopBits - Remove stop bits from an asynchronous sequence SDA_AsyncAddStopBits - Add stop bits to an asynchronous sequence SDA_DecreaseWordLength - Decrease the wordlength of a synchronous sequence SDA_IncreaseWordLength - Increase the wordlength of a synchronous sequence
SDS_Scrambler1417 - 1 + x-14 + x-17 polynomial Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) scrambler SDS_Descrambler1417 - 1 + x-14 + x-17 polynomial Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) descrambler SDS_Scrambler1417WithInversion - 1 + x-14 + x-17 polynomial Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) scrambler - with inversion SDS_Descrambler1417WithInversion - 1 + x-14 + x-17 polynomial Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) descrambler - with inversion SDS_Scrambler1823 - 1 + x-18 + x-23 polynomial Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) scrambler SDS_Descrambler1823 - 1 + x-18 + x-23 polynomial Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) descrambler SDS_Scrambler523 - 1 + x-5 + x-23 polynomial Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) scrambler SDS_Descrambler523 - 1 + x-5 + x-23 polynomial Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) descrambler SDS_ScramblerDescramblerPN9 - PN-9 scrambler / descrambler SDS_ScramblerDescramblerPN15 - PN-15 scrambler / descrambler SDS_SequenceGeneratorPN9 - PN-9 scrambler / descrambler sequence generator SDS_SequenceGeneratorPN15 - PN-9 scrambler / descrambler sequence generator SDS_ScramblerDescramblergCRC24 - 3GPP CRC24 descrambler SDS_SequenceGeneratorgCRC24 - 3GPP CRC24 sequence generator SDS_ScramblerDescramblergCRC16 - 3GPP CRC16 descrambler SDS_SequenceGeneratorgCRC16 - 3GPP CRC16 sequence generator SDS_ScramblerDescramblergCRC12 - 3GPP CRC12 descrambler SDS_SequenceGeneratorgCRC12 - 3GPP CRC12 sequence generator SDS_ScramblerDescramblergCRC8 - 3GPP CRC8 descrambler SDS_SequenceGeneratorgCRC8 - 3GPP CRC8 sequence generator SDS_LongCodeGenerator3GPPDL - 3GPP downlink long code sequence generator SDS_LongCodeGenerator3GPPUL - 3GPP uplink long code sequence generator SDA_Multiplex - Multiplex the elements in the arrays SDA_Demultiplex - Demultiplex the elements in the arrays SDA_Mux_N - Multiplex N channels onto one stream SDA_Demux_N - Demultiplex N channels from one steam

Interpolation And Decimation Functions

  SIF_Decimate                        - Initialise the decimation function
  SDA_Decimate                        - Decimate the sample rate of the source data
  SIF_Interpolate                     - Initialise the interpolation function
  SDA_Interpolate                     - Interpolate the sample rate of the source data
  SIF_FilterAndDecimate               - Initialise the filter and decimation function
  SDA_FilterAndDecimate               - Filter and decimate the sample rate of the source data
  SIF_InterpolateAndFilter            - Initialise the interpolate and filter function
  SDA_InterpolateAndFilter            - Interpolate and filter sample rate of the source data
  SDA_ResampleLinear                  - Linear re-sampler
  SDA_ResampleLinearNSamples          - Linear re-sampler and output N samples
  SDA_InterpolateLinear1D             - Linear interpolation version 1D
  SDA_InterpolateLinear2D             - Linear interpolation version 2D
  SIF_ResampleSinc                    - Initialize sin(x)/x (sinc) re-sampler
  SIF_ResampleWindowedSinc            - Initialize window'd sin(x)/x (sinc) re-sampler
  SDA_ResampleSinc                    - sin(x)/x (sinc) re-sampler
  SDA_ResampleSincNSamples            - sin(x)/x (sinc) re-sampler and output N samples
  SIF_InterpolateSinc1D               - Initialize sin(x)/x (sinc) interpolation
  SIF_InterpolateWindowedSinc1D       - Initialize window'd sin(x)/x (sinc) interpolation
  SDA_InterpolateSinc1D               - sin(x)/x (sinc) interpolation
  SIF_ResampleLinearContiguous        - Initialize contiguous (over entire array) linear re-sampler
  SDA_ResampleLinearContiguous        - Contiguous (over entire array) linear re-sampler
  SIF_ResampleSincContiguous          - Initialize contiguous (over entire array) sin(x)/x (sinc) re-sampler
  SIF_ResampleWindowedSincContiguous  - Initialize contiguous (over entire array) sin(x)/x (sinc) re-sampler
  SDA_ResampleSincContiguous          - Contiguous (over entire array) sin(x)/x (sinc) re-sampler
  SDS_InterpolateQuadratic1D          - Quadratic interpolate the sample interpolation
  SDS_InterpolateQuadraticBSpline1D   - B-Spline interpolate the sample interpolation
  SDS_InterpolateQuadraticLagrange1D  - Lagrange interpolate the sample interpolation
  SIF_LagrangeFirCoefficients         - Generate Lagrange filter coefficients
  SDS_LagrangeInterpolate             - Interpolate the sample using the Lagrange equation
  SDA_LagrangeInterpolate             - Interpolate the array using the Lagrange equation

DTMF Generation And Detection Functions

  SIF_DtmfGenerate                    - Initialise the DTMF generation function
  SDA_DtmfGenerate                    - Generate the DTMF signals
  SIF_DtmfDetect                      - Initialise the DTMF detection function
  SDA_DtmfDetect                      - Detect the DTMF signals (uses Goertzel's algorithm)
  SDA_DtmfDetectAndValidate           - Detect the DTMF signal - as above but validates the output
  SUF_AsciiToKeyCode                  - Convert ASCII key codes to keypad codes
  SUF_KeyCodeToAscii                  - Convert keypad codes to ASCII

Speech Processing Functions

  SIF_PreEmphasisFilter               - Initialise the pre-emphasis filter for the speech signal
  SDA_PreEmphasisFilter               - Apply the pre-emphasis filter to the speech signal
  SIF_DeEmphasisFilter                - Initialise the de-emphasis filter for the speech signal
  SDA_DeEmphasisFilter                - Apply the de-emphasis filter to the speech signal
  SDA_AdpcmEncoder                    - Compress the speech using Adaptive Differential Pulse Coded Modulation (ADPCM)
  SDA_AdpcmEncoderDebug               - Compress the speech using Adaptive Differential Pulse Coded Modulation (ADPCM) - with debug output
  SDA_AdpcmDecoder                    - Decompress the speech using Adaptive Differential Pulse Coded Modulation (ADPCM)

Maths / Minimum and Maximum Functions

Minimum / Maximum Functions
  SDA_Max                             - Find the maximum value in a array
  SDA_AbsMax                          - Find the maximum of the absolute values in a array
  SDA_Min                             - Find the minimum value in a array
  SDA_AbsMin                          - Find the minimum of the absolute values in a array
  SAI_Max                             - Find the maximum value in a array of fixed point numbers
  SAI_Min                             - Find the inimum value in a array of fixed point numbers
  SDA_Middle                          - Find the middle value in a array
  SDA_Range                           - Find the range of the minimum and maximum values in a array
  SDA_MaxIndex                        - Find the array index of the maximum value in a array
  SDA_AbsMaxIndex                     - Find the array index of the maximum of the absolute values in a array
  SDA_MinIndex                        - Find the array index of the minimum value in a array
  SDA_AbsMinIndex                     - Find the array index of the minimum of the absolute values in a array
  SDS_Max                             - Return the maximum of 2 numbers
  SDS_AbsMax                          - Return the maximum of the absolute values of 2 numbers
  SDS_Min                             - Return the minimum of 2 numbers
  SDS_AbsMin                          - Return the minimum of 2 the absolute values of numbers
  SDA_LocalMax                        - Detect the local maximum within an array
  SDA_LocalAbsMax                     - Detect the local maximum within an array
  SDA_LocalMin                        - Detect the local maximum within an array
  SDA_LocalAbsMin                     - Detect the local maximum within an array
  SDA_Max2                            - Find the maximum value in a array and store in a second
  SDA_AbsMax2                         - Find the maximum of the absolute values in a array and store in a second
  SDA_SignedAbsMax2                   - Find the maximum of the absolute values in a array and store in a second, including sign
  SDA_Min2                            - Find the minimum value in a array and store in a second
  SDA_AbsMin2                         - Find the minimum of the absolute values in a array and store in a second
  SDA_SignedAbsMin2                   - Find the minimum of the absolute values in a array and store in a second, including sign
  SDA_PeakHold                        - Calculate a per array peak hold
  SDA_PeakHoldPerSample               - Calculate a per sample peak hold
  SDA_DetectFirstPeakOverThreshold    - Detect the first peak value over a threshold value
  SDS_Round                           - Round the sample to the nearest integer
  SDA_Round                           - Round the data to the nearest integer
  SDS_Clip                            - Clip the sample to an absolute maximum
  SDA_Clip                            - Clip the samples in the array to an absolute maximum
  SDS_Threshold                       - Threshold the sample
  SDA_Threshold                       - Threshold the samples in the array
  SDS_SoftThreshold                   - Soft threshold the sample
  SDA_SoftThreshold                   - Soft threshold the samples in the array
  SDS_ThresholdAndClamp               - Threshold the sample and clamp the results
  SDA_ThresholdAndClamp               - Threshold the samples in the array and clamp the results
  SDS_TestOverThreshold               - Test if the sample magnitude is over threshold
  SDA_TestOverThreshold               - Test if the samples in the array magnitude is over threshold
  SDS_TestAbsOverThreshold            - Test if absolute value of sample magnitude is over threshold
  SDA_TestAbsOverThreshold            - Test if absolute value of the samples in the array magnitude is over threshold
  SDS_Clamp                           - Clamp the sample within limits
  SDA_Clamp                           - Clamp the samples in the array within limits
  SDA_SelectMax                       - Select the maximum values from two arrays
  SDA_SelectMin                       - Select the minimum values from two arrays
  SDA_SelectMagnitudeSquaredMax       - Select the maximum magnitude squared values from two arrays
  SDA_SelectMagnitudeSquaredMin       - Select the minimum magnitude squared values from two arrays
  SDS_SetMinValue                     - Set the minimum value in the output
  SDA_SetMinValue                     - Set the minimum value in the output
  SDA_PeakToAverageRatio              - Calculate the peak to average ratio of the signal
  SDA_PeakToAveragePowerRatio         - Calculate the peak to average power ratio of the signal
  SDA_PeakToAveragePowerRatioDB       - Calculate the peak to average power ratio of the signal in dB
  SDA_PeakToAverageRatioComplex       - Calculate the peak to average ratio of the complex signal
  SDA_PeakToAveragePowerRatioComplex  - Calculate the peak to average power ratio of the complex signal
  SDA_PeakToAveragePowerRatioComplexDB - Calculate the peak to average power ratio of the complex signal in dB
  SDA_MovePeakTowardsDeadband         - Shift the data in an array towards a deadband
  SIF_Envelope                        - Initialize the envelope detector functions
  SDS_Envelope                        - Envelope detector - per sample
  SDA_Envelope                        - Envelope detector - on samples in the array
  SIF_EnvelopeRMS                     - Initialize the RMS energy detection envelope detector functions
  SDS_EnvelopeRMS                     - RMS energy detection envelope detector - per sample
  SDA_EnvelopeRMS                     - RMS energy detection envelope detector - on array
  SIF_EnvelopeHilbert                 - Initialize the Hilbert energy detection envelope detector functions
  SDS_EnvelopeHilbert                 - Hilbert energy detection envelope detector - per sample
  SDA_EnvelopeHilbert                 - Hilbert energy detection envelope detector - on array
  SDS_InterpolateThreePointQuadraticVertexMagnitude          - Quadratic interpolate vertex magnitude (positive and negative) from 3 sample points
  SDS_InterpolateThreePointQuadraticVertexLocation           - Quadratic interpolate vertex location (positive and negative) from 3 sample points
  SDS_InterpolateArbitraryThreePointQuadraticVertexMagnitude - Quadratic interpolate vertex magnitude (positive and negative) from 3 sample arbitrary points
  SDS_InterpolateArbitraryThreePointQuadraticVertexLocation  - Quadratic interpolate vertex location (positive and negative) from 3 sample arbitrary points
  SDA_InterpolateThreePointQuadraticVertexMagnitude          - Quadratic interpolate vertex magnitude (positive and negative) from 3 points in an array
  SDA_InterpolateThreePointQuadraticVertexLocation           - Quadratic interpolate vertex location (positive and negative) from 3 points in an array
  SDA_InterpolateArbitraryThreePointQuadraticVertexMagnitude - Quadratic interpolate vertex magnitude (positive and negative) from 3 arbitrary points in an array
  SDA_InterpolateArbitraryThreePointQuadraticVertexLocation  - Quadratic interpolate vertex location (positive and negative) from 3 arbitrary points in an array
  SDA_InterpolateArbitraryThreePointQuadraticPeakVertexMagnitude  - Quadratic interpolate peak vertex magnitude (positive and negative) from 3 arbitrary points in an array
  SDA_InterpolateArbitraryThreePointQuadraticPeakVertexLocation   - Quadratic interpolate peak vertex location (positive and negative) from 3 arbitrary points in an array
  SDA_FirstMinVertex                  - Find first minimum virtex in the array
  SDA_FirstMinVertexPos               - Find first maximum virtex in the array
  SDA_FirstMaxVertex                  - Find first minimum virtex in the array
  SDA_FirstMaxVertexPos               - Find first maximum virtex in the array
  SDA_NLargest                        - Save the N largest values and set the remainder to zero
  SDA_NSmallest                       - Save the N smallest values and set the remainder to zero
Math Functions SDA_Divide - Divide a vector array by a scalar SDA_Divide2 - Divide a vector array by another vector SDA_Multiply - Multiply a vector array by a scalar SDA_Multiply2 - Multiply two vector arrays SDS_ComplexMultiply - Multiply one complex vector by another SDS_ComplexInverse - Invert a complex vector SDA_ComplexInverse - Invert a complex vectors in the array SDS_ComplexDivide - Divide one complex vector by another SDA_ComplexScalarMultiply - Multiply a complex vector array by a scalar SDA_ComplexMultiply2 - Multiply the complex vectors in an array by the complex vectors in another array SDA_ComplexScalarDivide - Divide a complex vector array by a scalar SDA_ComplexDivide2 - Complex divide the elements in one array by the elements in another SDA_RealDotProduct - Dot product of two real vectors SDA_ComplexDotProduct - Dot product of two complex vectors SDA_ComplexScalarMultiply - Multiply a complex vector array by a scalar SDA_Add_N - Add N arrays of data SDA_WeightedSum - Weighted sum of two arrays of data SDA_Subtract2 - Subtract the contents of one array from another SDA_Add - Add a scalar value to all the values in the array SDA_PositiveOffset - Offset the data to ensure that all the values are positive and the smallest value is zero SDA_NegativeOffset - Offset the data to ensure that all the values are negative and the largest value is zero SDA_Negate - Negate all the entries in a array SDA_Inverse - Return reciprocal of all the values in the array SDA_Square - Return the square of all the values in the array SDA_Sqrt - Return the square root of all the values in the array SDA_Difference - Returns the difference (always positive) between the data in the two arrays SDA_SumOfDifferences - Returns the sum of the differences (always positive) between the data in the two arrays SDS_Roots - Returns the real roots of the equation: ax^2 + bx + c = 0 SDS_Factorial - Returns the factorial of the real input value SDS_Permutations - Returns the number of permutations for a data set SDS_Combinations - Returns the number of combinations for a data set SIF_OverlapAndAddLinear - Initialise the linear overlap and add functions SDA_OverlapAndAddLinear - Overlap the data in two arrays and add the overlapped data values SDA_OverlapAndAddLinearWithClip - Overlap the data in two arrays and add the overlapped data values - Clip the sum to avoid overflow SDA_OverlapAndAddArbitrary - Overlap the data in two arrays and add the overlapped data values - Adds an arbitrary scaling function to the overlapped data SDA_OverlapAndAddArbitraryWithClip - Overlap the data in two arrays and add the overlapped data values - Adds an arbitrary scaling function to the overlapped data and clip the sum to avoid overflow SDS_DegreesToRadians - Convert a value from degrees to radians SDA_DegreesToRadians - Convert an array of values from degrees to radians SDS_RadiansToDegrees - Convert a value from radians to degrees SDA_RadiansToDegrees - Convert an array of values from radians to degrees SDS_DetectNAN - Test if the sample is NAN or INF SDA_DetectNAN - Test if any of the samples in the array are NAN or INF

DSP utility Functions

  SDA_Rotate                          - Rotate the data in a array by N samples
  SDA_Reverse                         - Reverse the data in a array
  SDA_Scale                           - Scale an arrays contents to a maximum value
  SDA_MeanSquare                      - Calculate the MS value of the data
  SDA_MeanSquareError                 - Calculate the MS error value of the data
  SDA_RootMeanSquare                  - Calculate RMS value of the data
  SDA_Magnitude                       - Calculate RMS magnitude from complex arrays
  SDA_MagnitudeSquared                - Calculate mean squared magnitude from complex arrays
  SDS_Magnitude                       - Calculate RMS magnitude from complex sample
  SDS_MagnitudeSquared                - Calculate mean squared magnitude from a single complex input
  SDS_Phase                           - Calculate phase from a complex sample
  SDA_Phase                           - Calculate phase from a complex array
  SDA_PhaseWrapped                    - Return the wrapped phase of the signal around +/- PI
  SDA_PhaseUnwrapped                  - Return the unwrapped of the signal
  SDA_MagnitudeAndPhaseWrapped        - Return the magnitude and the phase wrapped of the signal
  SDA_MagnitudeAndPhaseUnWrapped      - Return the magnitude and the phase unwrapped of the signal
  SDA_MagnitudeSquaredAndPhaseWrapped - Return the magnitude and the phase wrapped of the signal
  SDA_MagnitudeSquaredAndPhaseUnWrapped - Return the magnitude and the phase unwrapped of the signal
  SDA_PhaseWrap                       - Wrap the phase of the signal around +/- PI
  SDA_PhaseUnwrap                     - Unwrap the phase of the signal
  SDS_Log2                            - Return the logartitm to base 2 of the sample
  SDA_Log2                            - Return the logartitm to base 2 for all the samples in the array
  SDS_LogN                            - Return the logartitm to base N of the sample
  SDA_LogN                            - Return the logartitm to base N for all the samples in the array
  SDA_Copy                            - Duplicate the contents of one array in another
  SDA_CopyWithStride                  - Duplicate the contents with variable indexing
  SIF_CopyWithOverlap                 - Initilize the function for copying two arrays to a third with some overlap of the input arrays
  SDA_CopyWithOverlap                 - Copy two arrays to a third with some overlap of the input arrays
  SIF_CopyWithIndex                   - Initialize copy with index function
  SDA_CopyWithIndex                   - Copy contents of one array into a second, with increasing index into the first array, on each copy
  SDA_20log10                         - Calculate 20 * log base 10 of vector values on an array basis
  SDA_10log10                         - Calculate 10 * log base 10 of vector values on an array basis
  SDS_20log10                         - Calculate 20 * log base 10 of vector values on a per sample basis
  SDS_10log10                         - Calculate 10 * log base 10 of vector values on a per sample basis
  SDA_LogMagnitude                    - Calculate the log magnitude of the vector
  SDA_LogMagnitudeAndPhaseWrapped     - Return the log magnitude and the phase wrapped of the signal
  SDA_LogMagnitudeAndPhaseUnWrapped   - Return the log magnitude and the phase unwrapped of the signal
  SDA_ZeroPad                         - Zero pad a vector to another length
  SIF_ReSize                          - Initialize the array resize function
  SDA_ReSize                          - Resize the array
  SDA_ReSizeInput                     - Resize the input
  SDA_ReSizeOutput                    - Resize the output
  SDA_Fill                            - Fill a array with a scalar value
  SDA_Zeros                           - Set the contents of a array to 0.
  SDA_Ones                            - Set the contents of a array to 1.
  SDA_Impulse                         - Set the contents of a array to 0. except the first element which will have the value 1.
  SDA_Histogram                       - Produce a histogram of an arrays data
  SDA_HistogramCumulative             - Produce a cumulative histogram of an arrays data
  SDA_HistogramExtended               - Produce an extended histogram of an arrays data
  SDA_HistogramExtendedCumulative     - Produce an extended cumulative histogram of an arrays data
  SIF_Histogram                       - Initilize the histogram functions
  SDA_HistogramEqualize               - Equalize the histogram of the data
  SDA_Quantize                        - Quantize the data in the array to N bits
  SDS_Quantize                        - Quantize the saample to N bits
  SDA_Quantize_N                      - Quantize, to integer N, the data in the array to N bits
  SDS_Quantize_N                      - Quantize, to integer N, the saample to N bits
  SDA_Abs                             - Calculate the absolute values in an array
  SDS_PeakValueToBits                 - Convert the number of bits in an integer to the peak value possible
  SDS_BitsToPeakValue                 - For a given value, provide the number of bits required to represent it
  SDS_VoltageTodBm                    - Convert a linear voltage to dBm
  SDA_VoltageTodBm                    - Convert a linear array of voltages to dBm
  SDS_dBmToVoltage                    - Convert a dBm sample to linear voltage
  SDA_dBmToVoltage                    - Convert a dBm array of samples to linear voltages
  SDS_VoltageTodB                     - Convert a linear voltage gain to dB
  SDA_VoltageTodB                     - Convert a linear array of voltage gains to dBm
  SDS_dBToVoltage                     - Convert a dB sample to linear voltage gain
  SDA_dBToVoltage                     - Convert a dB array of samples to linear voltage gains
  SDS_PowerTodB                       - Convert a linear power gain to dB
  SDA_PowerTodB                       - Convert a linear array of power gains to dBm
  SDS_dBToPower                       - Convert a dB sample to linear power gain
  SDA_dBToPower                       - Convert a dB array of samples to linear power gains
  SDS_Compare                         - Compare the contents of two samples
  SDA_Compare                         - Compare the contents of two arrays
  SDS_CompareComplex                  - Compare the contents of two complex samples
  SDA_CompareComplex                  - Compare the contents of two arrays of complex numbers
  SDS_Int                             - Integer value of the sample
  SDS_Frac                            - Fractional value of the sample
  SDS_AbsFrac                         - Absolute value of the fractional value of the sample
  SDA_Int                             - Integer value of the array samples
  SDA_Frac                            - Fractional value of the array samples
  SDA_AbsFrac                         - Absolute value of the fractional value of the array samples
  SDA_SetMin                          - Set the minimum value of the array samples
  SDA_SetMax                          - Set the maximum value of the array samples
  SDA_SetRange                        - Set the range of the array samples
  SDA_SetMean                         - Set the mean of the array samples
  SDA_RealSpectralInverse             - Spectrum inv. on real time domain data
  SDA_ComplexSpectralInverse          - Spectrum inv. on Complex time domain data
  SDA_FdInterpolate                   - Interpolate a spectrum, to change pitch
  SDA_FdInterpolate2                  - Interpolate a spectrum, to change pitch
  SDS_TdPitchShift                    - Pitch shift a signal in the time domain - per sample
  SDA_TdPitchShift                    - Pitch shift a signal in the time domain - array
  SDS_EchoGenerate                    - Superimpose echo and reverb on a signal
  SDA_Power                           - Raise all the entries in a array to a power
  SDS_Polynomial                      - Evaluate the polynomial on the sample
  SDA_Polynomial                      - Evaluate the polynomial on the data
  SDS_Modulo                          - Rewrite the data as modulo N data
  SDA_Modulo                          - Rewrite the array of data as modulo N data
  SDA_AgcPeak                         - Control the gain using the peak level
  SIF_AgcMeanAbs                      - Initialize the AGC to control the gain using the mean absolute value
  SDA_AgcMeanAbs                      - Control the gain using the mean absolute value
  SIF_AgcMeanSquared                  - Initialize the AGC to control the gain using the mean squared value
  SDA_AgcMeanSquared                  - Control the gain using the mean squared value
  SIF_AgcEnvelopeDetector             - Initialize the AGC to control the gain using the envelope detector
                                      - Note: The envelope detector AGC is the recommended AGC function to use for real time applications such as speech
  SDS_AgcEnvelopeDetector             - Control the gain using the envelope detector - per sample basis
  SDA_AgcEnvelopeDetector             - Control the gain using the envelope detector - array basis
  SIF_Drc                             - Initialize the dynamic range controller
  SDS_Drc                             - Apply the dynamic range controller - per sample basis
  SDA_Drc                             - Apply the dynamic range controller - array basis
  SDA_GroupDelay                      - Return the group delay of the phase signal
  SDA_ZeroCrossingDetect              - Find zero crossings in an array
  SDS_ZeroCrossingDetect              - Find zero crossings on a per sample basis
  SDA_FirstZeroCrossingLocation       - Find the location of the first zero crossing on an array basis
  SDA_ZeroCrossingCount               - Count the number of zero crossings on an array basis
  SDA_LevelCrossingDetect             - Find level crossings in an array
  SDS_LevelCrossingDetect             - Find level crossings on a per sample basis
  SDA_FirstLevelCrossingLocation      - Find the location of the first level crossing on an array basis
  SDA_LevelCrossingCount              - Count the number of level crossings on an array basis
  SDA_Trigger                         - Oscilloscope style trigger function
  SDA_ClearLocation                   - Set the value at a location to zero
  SDA_SetLocation                     - Set the value at a location to the given value
  SDA_SortMinToMax                    - Sort the values in a array - minimum first
  SDA_SortMaxToMin                    - Sort the values in a array - maximum first
  SDA_SortMinToMax2                   - Sort the values in two arrays - minimum first
  SDA_SortMaxToMin2                   - Sort the values in two arrays - maximum first
  SDA_SortIndexed                     - Sort the values in a array - indexed
  SDS_CountOneBits                    - Count the number of '1' bits in the data value
  SDS_CountZeroBits                   - Count the number of '0' bits in the data value
  SDS_CountLeadingOneBits             - Count the number of leading '1' bits in the data value
  SDS_CountLeadingZeroBits            - Count the number of leading '0' bits in the data value
  SDA_Sign                            - Return the sign of all the samples in the array
  SDA_Swap                            - Swap the order of the data in the array
  SUF_ModuloIncrement                 - Increment all of the values in the source array using modulo arithmatic
  SUF_ModuloDecrement                 - Decrement all of the values in the source array using modulo arithmatic
  SUF_IndexModuloIncrement            - Increment all of the index values in the source array using modulo arithmatic
  SUF_IndexModuloDecrement            - Decrement all of the index values in the source array using modulo arithmatic
  SDA_Find                            - Locate all the values in the source array that match the specification
  SDA_FindValue                       - Locate all the values in the source array that match the value
  SIF_DeGlitch                        - Initialize the de-glitch functions
  SDS_DeGlitch                        - Deglitch the data samples
  SDA_DeGlitch                        - Deglitch the samples in the array
  SDA_RemoveDuplicates                - Remove duplicate values in the array
  SDA_FindAllDuplicates               - Find all duplicate values in the array
  SDA_FindFirstDuplicates             - Find first duplicates in the array
  SDA_FindSortAllDuplicates           - Find and sort, smallest to largest, all duplicate values in the array
  SDA_FindSortFirstDuplicates         - Find and sort, smallest to largest, first duplicates in the array
  SDA_Shuffle                         - Shuffle the data in the array
  SDA_InsertSample                    - Shift all of the data and insert the value in the space
  SDA_InsertArray                     - Shift all of the data and insert the array in the space
  SDA_ExtractSample                   - Extract sample at location and shift all data on the right, to the left
  SDA_ExtractArray                    - Extract array at location and shift all data on the right, to the left
  SAI_CountOneBits                    - Return the number of 1 bits in the sample
  SAI_CountZeroBits                   - Return the number of 0 bits in the sample
  SAI_Log2OfPowerof2                  - Returns the log2 for a number which is a power of 2, useful for log2 FFT length based calculations
  SAI_DivideByPowerOf2                - Returns the division of the dividend by the divisor - the divisor must be a power of 2 number
  SAI_NextPowerOf2                    - Next power of 2 above current value
  SAI_NextMultipleOfFftLength         - Next multiple of the FFT length above current value
  SDA_FindFirstNonZeroIndex           - Returns the index of the first non-zero value in the array or ‘-1’ if no values of zero are found in the array
  SDA_FindNumberOfNonZeroValues       - Returns the number of non-zero values in the array
  SDA_Pad                             - Pad the array at each end, with different modes
  SDA_SigLibDataToFix                 - Convert the data from native SigLib to fixed point format
  SDA_FixToSigLibData                 - Convert the data from fixed point format to native SigLib
  SDA_SigLibDataToImageData           - Convert the data from native SigLib to SigLib fixed point image format
  SDA_ImageDataToSigLibData           - Convert the data from SigLib fixed point image to native SigLib format
  SDA_SigLibDataToFix16               - Convert the data from native SigLib to 16 bit fixed point format
  SDA_Fix16ToSigLibData               - Convert the data from 16 bit fixed point format to native SigLib
  SDA_SigLibDataToFix32               - Convert the data from native SigLib to 32 bit fixed point format
  SDA_Fix32ToSigLibData               - Convert the data from 32 bit fixed point format to native SigLib
  SDS_SigLibDataToQFormatInteger      - Convert the data from native SigLib to Q format - per sample basis
  SDS_QFormatIntegerToSigLibData      - Convert the data from Q format to native SigLib data format - per sample basis
  SDA_SigLibDataToQFormatInteger      - Convert the data from native SigLib to Q format - array basis
  SDA_QFormatIntegerToSigLibData      - Convert the data from Q format to native SigLib data format - array basis

Control Functions

  SDS_Pid                             - Apply a pid control loop
  SDA_Pwm                             - Pulse Width Modulation function

Order Analysis Functions

  SDA_ExtractOrder                    - Extract the orders in a data set
  SDA_SumLevel                        - Sum the levels in a data set
  SDA_SumLevelWholeSpectrum           - Sum the levels over a whole spectrum
  SIF_OrderAnalysis                   - Initialize the order analysis functions
  SDA_OrderAnalysis                   - Perform order analysis

Statistical Analysis Functions

  SDA_Sum                             - Sum all the entries in the array
  SDA_AbsSum                          - Sum the absolute values of all the entries in an array
  SDA_SumOfSquares                    - Return the sum of squares of all the entries in the array
  SDA_Mean                            - Calculate the arithmetic mean (average) of the array
  SDA_AbsMean                         - Calculate the absolute value of the arithmetic mean (average) of the array
  SDA_SubtractMean                    - Subtract the arithmetic mean (average) of the values in the array from all the values
  SDA_SubtractMax                     - Subtract the maximum value in the array from all the values
  SDA_SampleSd                        - Calculate the sample standard deviation of the array
  SDA_PopulationSd                    - Calculate the population standard deviation of the array
  SDA_SampleVariance                  - Calculate the sample (unbiased) variance of the array
  SDA_PopulationVariance              - Calculate the population variance of the array
  SDA_CovarianceMatrix                - Calculate an NxN symmetric covariance matrix between N vectors (datasets) of equal length
  SDA_Median                          - Calculate the median value of the array

Regression Analysis Functions

  SDA_LinraConstantCoeff              - Return lin. regression const. coeff.
  SDA_LinraRegressionCoeff            - Return lin. regression regress. coeff.
  SDA_LinraCorrelationCoeff           - Return lin. regression correlat. coeff.
  SDA_LinraEstimateX                  - Return lin. regression X estimate
  SDA_LinraEstimateY                  - Return lin. regression Y estimate
  SDA_LograConstantCoeff              - Return log. regression const. coeff.
  SDA_LograRegressionCoeff            - Return log. regression regress. coeff.
  SDA_LograCorrelationCoeff           - Return log. regression correlat. coeff.
  SDA_LograEstimateX                  - Return log. regression X estimate
  SDA_LograEstimateY                  - Return log. regression Y estimate
  SDA_ExpraConstantCoeff              - Return expon. regression const. coeff.
  SDA_ExpraRegressionCoeff            - Return expon. regression regress. coeff.
  SDA_ExpraCorrelationCoeff           - Return expon. regression correlat. coeff.
  SDA_ExpraEstimateX                  - Return expon. regression X estimate
  SDA_ExpraEstimateY                  - Return expon. regression Y estimate
  SDA_PowraConstantCoeff              - Return power regression const. coeff.
  SDA_PowraRegressionCoeff            - Return power regression regress. coeff.
  SDA_PowraCorrelationCoeff           - Return power regression correlat. coeff.
  SDA_PowraEstimateX                  - Return power regression X estimate
  SDA_PowraEstimateY                  - Return power regression Y estimate
  SDA_Detrend                         - Detrend the data in the array
  SDA_ExtractTrend                    - Extract the trend in the data

Trigonometric Functions

  SDA_Sin                             - Return the sines of the data
  SDA_Cos                             - Return the cosines of the data
  SDA_Tan                             - Return the tangents of the data
  SIF_FastSin                         - Initialise fast sine transform (look up table) function
  SDA_FastSin                         - Perform fast sine (look up table) function on an array basis
  SDS_FastSin                         - Perform fast sine (look up table) function on a per sample basis
  SIF_FastCos                         - Initialise fast cosine transform (look up table) function
  SDA_FastCos                         - Perform fast cosine (look up table) function on an array basis
  SDS_FastCos                         - Perform fast cosine (look up table) function on a per sample basis
  SIF_FastSinCos                      - Initialise fast sine and cosine transform (look up table) function
  SDA_FastSinCos                      - Perform fast sine and cosine (look up table) function on an array basis
  SDS_FastSinCos                      - Perform fast sine and cosine (look up table) function on a per sample basis
  SIF_FastTan                         - Initialise fast tangent transform (look up table) function
  SDA_FastTan                         - Perform fast tangent (look up table) function on an array basis
  SDS_FastTan                         - Perform fast tangent (look up table) function on a per sample basis
  SIF_QuickSin                        - Initialise quick sine transform (look up table) function
  SDA_QuickSin                        - Perform quick sine (look up table) function on an array basis
  SDS_QuickSin                        - Perform quick sine (look up table) function on a per sample basis
  SIF_QuickCos                        - Initialise quick cosine transform (look up table) function
  SDA_QuickCos                        - Perform quick cosine (look up table) function on an array basis
  SDS_QuickCos                        - Perform quick cosine (look up table) function on a per sample basis
  SIF_QuickSinCos                     - Initialise quick sine and cosine transform (look up table) function
  SDA_QuickSinCos                     - Perform quick sine and cosine (look up table) function on an array basis
  SDS_QuickSinCos                     - Perform quick sine and cosine (look up table) function on a per sample basis
  SIF_QuickTan                        - Initialise quick tangent transform (look up table) function
  SDA_QuickTan                        - Perform quick tangent (look up table) function on an array basis
  SDS_QuickTan                        - Perform quick tangent (look up table) function on a per sample basis
  SDA_Sinc                            - Calculate sin(x)/x sinc function on an array
  SDS_Sinc                            - Calculate sin(x)/x sinc function on a per sample basis
  SIF_QuickSinc                       - Initialize the function to calculate the quick sin(x)/x sinc (look up table) function
  SDA_QuickSinc                       - Calculate the quick sin(x)/x sinc (look up table) function on an array
  SDS_QuickSinc                       - Calculate the quick sin(x)/x sinc (look up table) function on a per sample basis

Complex Vector Functions

  SCV_Real                            - Extract the real part of a complex vector
  SCV_Imaginary                       - Extract the imaginary part of a complex vector
  SCV_Polar                           - Create a complex polar vector from real data
  SCV_Rectangular                     - Create a complex rectangular vector from real data
  SCV_PolarToRectangular              - Convert polar data to rectangular
  SCV_RectangularToPolar              - Convert rectangular data to polar
  SCV_Sqrt                            - Square root a complex vector
  SCV_Inverse                         - Invert a complex vector
  SCV_Conjugate                       - Return the complex conjugate of a vector
  SCV_Magnitude                       - Return the real absolute magnitude of vector
  SCV_MagnitudeSquared                - Return the square of the real absolute magnitude of vector
  SCV_Phase                           - Return the phase of vector
  SCV_Multiply                        - Multiply two complex vectors
  SCV_Divide                          - Divide one complex vector by another
  SCV_Add                             - Add two complex vectors
  SCV_Subtract                        - Return the difference between two vectors
  SCV_Log                             - Return log of a complex vector
  SCV_Exp                             - Return exponent of a complex vector
  SCV_Expj                            - Return the complex exponential of the real input (e^jTheta)
  SCV_Pow                             - Raise complex vector to a real power
  SCV_VectorAddScalar                 - Add a scalar to a vector
  SCV_VectorSubtractScalar            - Subtract a scalar from a vector
  SCV_VectorMultiplyScalar            - Multiply a vector by a scalar
  SCV_VectorDivideScalar              - Divide a vector by a scalar
  SCV_ScalarSubtractVector            - Subtract a vector from a scalar
  SCV_Roots                           - Returns the complex roots of the equation: ax^2 + bx + c = 0
  SCV_Copy                            - Copy one vector to another
  SCV_Compare                         - Compare two vectors
  SDA_CreateComplexRect               - Create a rectangular complex array (interleaved real and imaginary values)
  SDA_CreateComplexPolar              - Create a polar complex array (interleaved magnitude and phase values)
  SDA_ExtractComplexRect              - Separate a rectangular complex array (interleaved real and imaginary values)
  SDA_ExtractComplexPolar             - Separate a polar complex array (interleaved magnitude and phase values)
  SDA_ClearComplexRect                - Clear the contents of a rectangular complex array to 0+j0
  SDA_ClearComplexPolar               - Clear the contents of a polar complex array to 0+j0
  SDA_FillComplexRect                 - Fill the contents of a rectangular complex array to a constant complex value
  SDA_FillComplexPolar                - Fill the contents of a polar complex array to a constant complex value
  SDA_ComplexRectangularToPolar       - Convert complex rectangular numbers to polar
  SDA_ComplexPolarToRectangular       - Convert complex polar numbers to rectangular
  SDA_RectangularToPolar              - Convert rectangular numbers to polar
  SDA_PolarToRectangular              - Convert polar numbers to rectangular
  SDA_ComplexRectSqrt                 - Square root of all the values in an array of complex numbers
  SDA_ComplexRectInverse              - Inverse of all the values in an array of complex numbers
  SDA_ComplexRectConjugate            - Complex conjugate of all the values in an array of complex numbers
  SDA_ComplexRectMagnitude            - Magnitude of all the values in an array of complex numbers
  SDA_ComplexRectMagnitudeSquared     - Magnitude squared of all the values in an array of complex numbers
  SDA_ComplexRectPhase                - Phase of all the values in an array of complex numbers
  SDA_ComplexRectMultiply             - Multiply all the values in two arrays of complex numbers
  SDA_ComplexRectDivide               - Divide all the values in two arrays of complex numbers
  SDA_ComplexRectAdd                  - Add all the values in two arrays of complex numbers
  SDA_ComplexRectSubtract             - Subtract all the values in two arrays of complex numbers
  SDA_ComplexRectLog                  - Log of all the values in an array of complex numbers
  SDA_ComplexRectExp                  - Exponential of all the values in an array of complex numbers
  SDA_ComplexRectExpj                 - Complex exponential of all the values in an array of complex numbers
  SDA_ComplexRectPow                  - Raise of all the values in an array of complex numbers to a power
  SDA_ComplexRectVectorAddScalar      - Add a scalar value to all the values in an array of complex numbers
  SDA_ComplexRectVectorSubtractScalar - Subtract a scalar value from all the values in an array of complex numbers
  SDA_ComplexRectVectorMultiplyScalar - Multiply all the values in an array of complex numbers by a scalar
  SDA_ComplexRectVectorDivideScalar   - Divide all the values in an array of complex numbers by a scalar
  SDA_ComplexRectScalarSubtractVector - Subtract all the values in an array of complex numbers from a scalar number
  SDA_ComplexRectLinearInterpolate    - Interpolate the values in an array of complex numbers in a recgtangular mode
  SDA_ComplexPolaInterpolate          - Interpolate the values in an array of complex numbers in a polar mode

Two Dimensional Matrix Functions

  SMX_Transpose                       - Transpose a two dimensional matrix - also know as 'corner turn'
  SMX_Diagonal                        - Returns the diagonal of the matrix
  SMX_Multiply2                       - Multiply two two dimensional matrices
  SMX_Identity                        - Create a square identity matrix
  SMX_Eye                             - Create an arbitrary shape identity matrix
  SMX_Inverse2x2                      - Invert a 2x2 matrix
  SMX_ComplexInverse2x2               - Invert a 2x2 matrix of complex numbers
  SMX_Inverse                         - Invert a matrix, using Crout's LU reduction algorithm
  SMX_LuDecompose                     - LU decompose a matrix to unified LU matrix
  SMX_LuSolve                         - Solve for an LU decomposed matrix
  SMX_CholeskyDecompose               - Cholesky decompose a matrix
  SMX_Determinant                     - Calculate the determinant of a matrix
  SMX_LuDeterminant                   - Calculate the determinant of an LU decomposed matrix
  SMX_LuDecomposeSeparateLU           - LU decompose a matrix to separate LU matrices
  SMX_ForwardSubstitution             - Forward matrix substitution
  SMX_BackwardSubstitution            - Backward matrix substitution
  SMX_RotateClockwise                 - Rotate all of the matrix values in a clockwise direction
  SMX_RotateAntiClockwise             - Rotate all of the matrix values in an anti-clockwise direction
  SMX_Reflect                         - Reflect the values in a matrix about a vertical axis
  SMX_Flip                            - Reflect the values in a matrix about a horizontal axis
  SMX_InsertRow                       - Insert a row in a matrix
  SMX_ExtractRow                      - Extract a row from a matrix
  SMX_InsertColumn                    - Insert a column in a matrix
  SMX_ExtractColumn                   - Extract a column from a matrix
  SMX_InsertNewRow                    - Insert a new row into a matrix - shift the rows below the new one down one level
  SMX_DeleteOldRow                    - Extract a row from a matrix - shift the rows below the extracted one up one level
  SMX_InsertNewColumn                 - Insert a new column into a matrix - shift the columns to the right of the new one to the right one level
  SMX_DeleteOldColumn                 - Extract a column from a matrix - shift the columns to the right of the extracted one to the left one level
  SMX_InsertRegion                    - Insert a region into a matrix
  SMX_ExtractRegion                   - Extract a region from a matrix
  SMX_InsertDiagonal                  - Insert a diagonal into a matrix
  SMX_ExtractDiagonal                 - Extract a diagonal from a matrix
  SMX_SwapRows                        - Swap two rows in a matrix
  SMX_SwapColumns                     - Swap two columns in a matrix
  SMX_Sum                             - Add two matrices together
  SMX_ShuffleColumns                  - Shuffle columns in a matrix
  SMX_ShuffleRows                     - Shuffle rows in a matrix
  SMX_CompanionMatrix                 - Compute companion matrix
  SMX_CompanionMatrixTransposed       - Compute transposed companion matrix
  SMX_ExtractCategoricalColumn        - Extract categorical (last) column from a matrix
  SMX_Copy                            - Copy a two dimensional matrix
  SMX_Add                             - Add two two dimensional matrices
  SMX_Subtract                        - Subtract one two D. matrix from another
  SMX_Multiply2Piecewise              - Piecewise multiply two two D. matrices
  SMX_ScalarMultiply                  - Multiply a two D. matrix by a scalar

Machine Learning Functions

  SDA_TwoLayer2CategoryNetworkFit     - Two layer, two category network fit (train)
  SDA_TwoLayer2CategoryNetworkPredict - Two layer, two category network predict (infer)
  SDA_TwoLayerNCategoryNetworkFit     - Two layer, N category network fit (train)
  SDA_TwoLayerNCategoryNetworkPredict - Two layer, N category network predict (infer)
  SDA_TwoLayer2CategoryNetworkWithBiasesFit     - Two layer, two category network fit, with biases (train)
  SDA_TwoLayer2CategoryNetworkWithBiasesPredict - Two layer, two category network predict, with biases (infer)
  SDA_TwoLayerNCategoryNetworkWithBiasesFit     - Two layer, N category network fit, with biases (train)
  SDA_TwoLayerNCategoryNetworkWithBiasesPredict - Two layer, N category network predict, with biases (infer)
  SDS_ActivationReLU                  - ReLU activation function (sample oriented)
  SDA_ActivationReLU                  - ReLU activation function (array oriented)
  SDS_ActivationReLUDerivative        - ReLU derivative activation function (sample oriented)
  SDA_ActivationReLUDerivative        - ReLU derivative activation function (array oriented)
  SDS_ActivationLeakyReLU             - Leaky ReLU activation function (sample oriented)
  SDA_ActivationLeakyReLU             - Leaky ReLU activation function (array oriented)
  SDS_ActivationLeakyReLUDerivative   - Leaky ReLU derivative activation function (sample oriented)
  SDA_ActivationLeakyReLUDerivative   - Leaky ReLU derivative activation function (array oriented)
  SDS_ActivationLogistic              - Logistic activation function (sample oriented)
  SDA_ActivationLogistic              - Logistic activation function (array oriented)
  SDS_ActivationLogisticDerivative    - Logistic derivative activation function (sample oriented)
  SDA_ActivationLogisticDerivative    - Logistic derivative activation function (array oriented)
  SDS_ActivationTanH                  - Hyperbolic tangent activation function (sample oriented)
  SDA_ActivationTanH                  - Hyperbolic tangent activation function (array oriented)
  SDS_ActivationTanHDerivative        - Hyperbolic tangent derivative activation function (sample oriented)
  SDA_ActivationTanHDerivative        - Hyperbolic tangent derivative activation function (array oriented)

File I/O Functions

    SUF_BinReadData                     - Read data from a binary file
    SUF_BinWriteData                    - Write data to a binary file
    SUF_BinReadFile                     - Read a complete binary file
    SUF_BinWriteFile                    - Write a complete binary file
    SUF_BinFileLength                   - Return the length of the binary file
    SUF_RawReadData                     - Read data from a Raw/PCM file
    SUF_RawWriteData                    - Write data to a Raw/PCM file
    SUF_RawReadFile                     - Read a complete Raw/PCM file
    SUF_RawWriteFile                    - Write a complete Raw/PCM file
    SUF_RawFileLength                   - Return the length of the Raw/PCM file
    SUF_CsvReadData                     - Read a complete csv file
    SUF_CsvWriteData                    - Write data to a csv file
    SUF_CsvReadFile                     - Read data from a csv file
    SUF_CsvWriteFile                    - Write a complete csv file
    SUF_CsvReadMatrix                   - Read matrix from a csv file
    SUF_CsvWriteMatrix                  - Write matrix to a csv file
    SUF_DatReadData                     - Read data from a dat file
    SUF_DatWriteData                    - Write data to a dat file
    SUF_DatReadHeader                   - Read header from a dat file
    SUF_DatWriteHeader                  - Write header to a binary file
    SUF_SigReadData                     - Read data from a sig file
    SUF_SigWriteData                    - Write data to a sig file
    SUF_SigReadFile                     - Read a complete sig file
    SUF_SigWriteFile                    - Write a complete sig file
    SUF_SigFileLength                   - Return the length of the sig file
    SUF_WavReadData                     - Read data from a wav file
    SUF_WavWriteData                    - Write data to a wav file
    SUF_WavReadData16                   - Read 16 bit data from a wav file
    SUF_WavWriteData16                  - Write 16 bit data to a wav file
    SUF_WavReadData32                   - Read 32 bit data from a wav file
    SUF_WavWriteData32                  - Write 32 bit data to a wav file
    SUF_WavReadWord                     - Read word from a wav file
    SUF_WavReadLong                     - Read long integer from a wav file
    SUF_WavWriteWord                    - Write word to a wav file
    SUF_WavWriteLong                    - Write long integer to a wav file
    SUF_WavReadHeader                   - Read header from a wav file
    SUF_WavWriteHeader                  - Write header to a wav file
    SUF_WavDisplayInfo                  - Display header information from a wav file
    SUF_WavSetInfo                      - Set header information for a wav file
    SUF_WavFileLength                   - Write file length to a wav file
    SUF_WavReadFile                     - Read a complete wav file
    SUF_WavWriteFile                    - Write a complete wav file
    SUF_WavWriteFileScaled              - Write scaled data to a complete wav file
    SUF_XmtReadData                     - Read data from an xmt file
    SUF_WriteWeightsIntegerCFile        - Write neural network weights to an integer C header file
    SUF_WriteWeightsFloatCFile          - Write neural network weights to a floating point C header file
    SUF_WriteWeightsBinaryFile          - Write neural network weights to a binary file
    SUF_ReadWeightsBinaryFile           - Read neural network weights from a binary file
SUF_WriteWeightsWithBiasesIntegerCFile - Write neural network weights and biases to an integer C header file SUF_WriteWeightsWithBiasesFloatCFile - Write neural network weights and biases to a floating point C header file SUF_WriteWeightsWithBiasesBinaryFile - Write neural network weights and biases to a binary file SUF_ReadWeightsWithBiasesBinaryFile - Read neural network weights and biases from a binary file

Utility Macros And Functions

Utility Functions
  SUF_SiglibVersion                   - Returns the current SigLib version number
  SUF_PrintArray                      - Print the contents of an array to the console
  SUF_PrintFixedPointArray            - Print the contents of a fixed point array to the console
  SUF_PrintComplexMatrix              - Print the contents of a complex matrix to the console
  SUF_PrintComplexArray               - Print the contents of a complex array to the console
  SUF_PrintComplexNumber              - Print the contents of a complex number to the console
  SUF_PrintMatrix                     - Print the contents of a matrix to the console
  SUF_PrintPolar                      - Print the value of a polar complex number to the console
  SUF_PrintRectangular                - Print the value of a rectangular complex number to the console
  SUF_PrintIIRCoefficients            - Print the IIR filter coefficients array to the console
  SUF_PrintCount                      - Print a count to keep track of iterations
  SUF_PrintHigher                     - Print the higher of two numbers
  SUF_PrintLower                      - Print the lower of two numbers
  SUF_ClearDebugfprintf               - Clear the debug log file
  SUF_Debugfprintf                    - Debug fprintf function - prints to a log file
  SUF_Debugvfprintf                   - Varaible parameter version of SUF_Debugfprintf
  SUF_DebugPrintArray                 - Print the contents of an array to the log file
  SUF_DebugPrintFixedPointArray       - Print the contents of a fixed point array to the log file
  SUF_DebugPrintComplexArray          - Print the contents of a complex array to the log file
  SUF_DebugPrintComplex               - Print the contents of a complex number to the log file
  SUF_DebugPrintComplexRect           - Print the contents of a complex rectangular number to the log file
  SUF_DebugPrintComplexPolar          - Print the contents of a complex polar number to the log file
  SUF_DebugPrintMatrix                - Print the contents of a matrix to the log file
  SUF_DebugPrintPolar                 - Print the value of a polar complex number to the log file
  SUF_DebugPrintRectangular           - Print the value of a rectangular complex number to the log file
  SUF_DebugPrintIIRCoefficients       - Print the IIR filter coefficients array to the log file
  SUF_DebugPrintCount                 - Print a count to keep track of iterations to the log file
  SUF_DebugPrintHigher                - Print the higher of two numbers to the log file
  SUF_DebugPrintLower                 - Print the lower of two numbers to the log file
  SUF_DebugPrintInfo                  - Print SigLib library version information to the log file
  SUF_DebugPrintLine                  - Print source code line information to the log file
  SUF_DebugPrintTime                  - Print time information to the log file
  SUF_StrError                        - Print the SigLib error number
  SUF_MSDelay                         - Delay the code by N ms
C/C++ Macros SDS_RoundDown - Round the scalar value down to the nearest integer value SDS_RoundUp - Round the scalar value up to the nearest integer value SDS_RoundToNearest - Round the scalar value to the nearest integer value SDS_TestOdd - Returns true if sample is odd SDS_TestEven - Returns true if sample is even SDS_TestPowerOfTwo - Returns true if size is a power of 2 SDS_Absolute - Return the absolute value of a number SDS_Sign - Return the sign of a number SDS_BitTest - Returns 1 if all bits in mask set, 0 otherwise SUF_NumberOfElements - Returns number of samples in an array SDS_BitTest - Test bit pattern SDS_BitMask - Bit mask SDS_Swap - Swap the contents of 2 variables SDS_SortN - Sort the contents of N variables SDS_Square - Return the square of the input SDS_Asinh - Return the hyperbolic arc sin of the input SDS_Log2Macro - Return the log base 2 of the input SDS_VoltageTodBmMacro - Converts the linear voltage to dBm SDS_dBmToVoltageMacro - Converts dBm to linear voltage SDS_VoltageTodBMacro - Converts the linear voltage gain to dBm SDS_dBToVoltageMacro - Converts the dB gain to linear voltage SDS_PowerTodBMacro - Converts the linear power gain to dBm SDS_dBToPowerMacro - Converts the dB gain to linear power SDA_Operate - Perform a standard math operation (+ - * / ) on vectors SDA_Average - Return the average (mean) of the samples in the array SDA_Subtract - Subtract the second array from the first SAI_RoundDown - Round the integer scalar value down to the nearest integer value SAI_RoundUp - Round the integer scalar value up to the nearest integer value SAI_RoundToNearest - Round the integer scalar value to the nearest integer value SAI_TestOdd - Return true if the integer value is odd SAI_TestEven - Return true if the integer value is even SAI_TestPowerOfTwo - Return the integer value squared SAI_Absolute - Return the absolute value of the integer SAI_Sign - Return the sign of the integer value SAI_Log2 - Return the log base 2 of the integer value SAI_Log4 - Return the log base 4 of the integer value SAI_NumberOfElements - Return the number of elements in the array SUF_BinNumberToFrequency - Convert the FFT bin number to a frequency SUF_BinNumberToFrequency2 - Convert the FFT bin number to a frequency - version 2 SUF_FrequencyToBinNumber - Convert a frequency to an FFT bin number SUF_FrequencyToBinNumber2 - Convert a frequency to an FFT bin number - version 2 SAI_FftLength(x) - Returns the FFT length for a given log2(FFT length) SAI_FftLength4(x) - Returns the FFT length for a given log4(FFT length)
Memory Allocation Functions SUF_VectorArrayAllocate - Allocate vector array SUF_FftCoefficientAllocate - Allocate FFT twiddle factor coefficient array (radix-2) SUF_FftCoefficientAllocate4 - Allocate FFT twiddle factor coefficient array (radix-4) SUF_IirState_arrayAllocate - Allocate IIR filter state array SUF_IirCoefficientAllocate - Allocate IIR filter coefficients array SUF_QamCarrierArrayAllocate - Allocate QAM carrier array SUF_QpskCarrierArrayAllocate - Allocate QPSK carrier array SUF_OpskCarrierArrayAllocate - Allocate OPSK carrier array SUF_IndexArrayAllocate - Allocate index array SUF_ComplexRectArrayAllocate - Allocate a rectangular complex vector array SUF_ComplexPolarArrayAllocate - Allocate a polar complex vector array SUF_DifferentialEncoderArrayAllocate - Allocate a differential encoder array

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