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Numerix-DSP Partner List

Numerix-DSP is pleased to work with the following partners.

XMOS Semiconductors Ltd. XMOS is a deep tech company at the leading edge of the artificial intelligence of things (AIoT) and Numerix are a development partner.
NXP NXP is a supplier of embedded systems solutions and Numerix are a development partner.
Texas Instruments Inc. Texas Instruments is a supplier of DSP Technology and Numerix are a development partner.
Analog Devices is a supplier of DSP Technology and Numerix are a development partner.
Intel is a silicon manufacturer and Numerix is a member of the Intel Software Partner Program.
Read about our support for Keil's products Keil produce the mVision™ development toolset for embedded microprocessors.
Read about our support for IAR's products IAR produce the Embedded Workbench™ development toolset for embedded microprocessors.
Read about our support for GAO Research's products GAO Research Inc. is a leading provider of embedded software solutions for telecommunications and DSP.
Read about our support for Soft Integration's products SoftIntegration produce Ch™, the embeddable C/C++ interpreter for cross-platform scripting, shell programming, 2D/3D plotting and numerical computing.

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